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Research in The Siegel Laboratory is centered on organic synthesis. The diverse and evolving set of small molecules our group works on originate from natural sources, natural products, signaling lipids, as well as small molecule leads for diseases that lack therapeutic options. The syntheses of structurally complex compounds are of particular interest as these targets allow us to gain one of a kind access to rare compounds for study while also providing an important training opportunity for synthetic chemists. Projects aligned with biological questions and drug development are linked through collaborations with groups specializing in select areas of biology and medicine. As a research group in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, we strive to develop compounds that achieve their purpose by meeting pharmacodynamic as well as pharmacokinetic criteria. Chemical probes to decipher pathways controlled by small molecules are also developed and tested within the group and provide unique insights into targets that would be difficult or impossible to identify by other means.

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"...having nothing to struggle against they have nothing to struggle for."

-Charles Bukowski You Get So Alone at Times that it Just Makes Sense

Our research group is housed in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building at UCSD. In addition to our large fume hood intensive laboratory and conjoined state of the art NMR Facility used for our research programs, we provide a hub for drug development through the UCSD Center for Compound Resources and the UCSD Drug Development Pipeline. We are always looking for committed and talented chemists to join our group as well as new biology collaborators with an interest in drug development. Check out our Instagram and Facebook Page for Siegel Lab Team updates!